❖ What Promotion of Distributor?

Trendastic Ventures As a distributor, you’re not the only one who stands to benefit from a sales growth promotion. If your customers end up spending more on a specific product, that’s going to benefit the manufacturers and suppliers further up your sales channel. Get your supplier in on the action. If you center the promotion around their product lines, they’ll be more willing to support the promotion with marketing dollars. A promotion can be a lot easier when there’s multiple groups helping put it together, particularly if you’re new to promotions or incentive programs and can boost your ability to pitch for MDF dollars in the future.

There’s so much you can do with a short-term promotion, depending on the strategy that you decide to take. They can come with a variety of added benefits, like…

❖ Distributor:

Person who use the Trendastic Ventures platform to make purchases get an opportunity to refer product to customer, friends and family, and then also get rewarded for every transaction.

❖ ALL products offered here reflect high-quality production and unique design, the latest fashion styles and a wide variety of designs at affordable prices.

❖ Once you have that basic information, you can get more complex—run a survey that rewards participants for sharing their top business goals and challenges or how many distributors they typically buy from. Plus, you can carry that benefit back to your suppliers, who might be just as (if not more) in need of information on their channel. If you share the data you collect with your supplier, it can further strengthen your relationship with them.

❖ his kind of partnership has benefits beyond your supplier’s monetary contribution—working together on a project like this has the potential to vastly improve your channel communication, which always improves doing business. Plus, looping them in can lead create an endowment effect in them—because they’ve contributed to the promotion, they feel invested in its success and are more likely to help you work towards that goal..
